Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Blog 22

This article is written by Alex Neuhauser about former CIA director John Brennan's testimony on Capitol Hill. Brennan stated that Russia did interfere with our most recent presidential election and that Trump's party was communicating with them at time. He did not say whether the communication resulted in any collusion.

This article relates to our curriculum in numerous ways. It deals with foreign policy and campaign management. It makes you wonder if communications between Trumps party and the Russians consisted of collusion and also what are a campaigns limits? Another thing is that anything that deals with Trump can usually tie in with Public opinion because every action he makes is heavily analyzed and often stirs up controversy.

To me the leak that the communication was taking place and the fact that FBI director James Comey was fired around the same time does not seem like a coincidence. It definitely feels a little sketchy. However, I am not sure whether or not it is normal for our political parties to communicate with foreign nations, and it may be. But I feel like if the communication was normal then there would not be so many questions flying around.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


This article is written by Gabrielle Levy, who is a writer who covers politics for U.S News. The article that she wrote is about the transfer of 'Highly Classified' info from Donald Trump to the Russians.  Levy discusses that Israel spies are the ones who came out with the info, how people feel about the news, and if it will effect our relationship with Israel.

Three things that this article talks about that we have also dealt with in class are foreign policy, executive powers, and public policy. Foreign policy, because the article talks about our communication with Russia and relations with Israel. Executive powers, because is Trump in the right to share this information. Thirdly, public policy due to the fact that pretty much all of Trumps decisions are initially seen as controversial.

Personally I don't know how I feel about the situation because I am not to sure what type of information the president passes to foreign leaders on a day to day basis. A lot of people get worked up about this stuff and I just may not know as much as the average American, but I feel like they don't what type of information is being handled either. But if whatever Trump is doing will hit our relations with Israel, I feel like its most likely not the best idea.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


This article is written by Susan Milligan who is a very credible writer for U.S News. I would say that Milligan probably sits on the left of the political spectrum, but everything she wrote seemed logical and without bias. The article is about the recent firing of FBI Director James Comey by Donald Trump. Milligan discusses how republicans do not seem quite as concerned, but Senators from both parties would like to bring attention to the incident. Many Democrats are fed up with Trump's irrational decision making and feel that he is overstepping his constitutional boundaries.

The way that this article relates to our class is that it deals heavily with checks and balances. The legislative branch feels that the executive branch is going to far and is waiting for the judicial branch to come in and rule in their favor. This firing also carries a sketchy mood with it, something similar to a Watergate or another scandal. The last thing that is discussed in the article and also in our class is the continuing rise of distrust in government.

The article states that Comey was fired without Trump giving a valid reason and if that is the case I feel Tump is in the wrong. When making a decision like this the President should try to let people feel more included and as a result, he would decrease the amount of emotions that he stirs up. Now on the topic of Trump going beyond his powers, I feel like its one of those things where if he helps our nation he was in the right and if we go down hill then he was in the wrong. As a president he is going to do as much as he can get away with doing, so if the other branches feel he his breaking the system, it is on them to keep him in check.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

This article is written by Lauren Camera who is a very credible educational writer for the U.S. news and world report. The article is about past free speech advocates now supporting Ann Coulter's right to speak at Berkeley even though they disagree with her beliefs. There are many mixed feelings on how the situation should be handled and it is a very hot topic right now.

The way this article relates to our curriculum is because free speech is something that we have discussed heavily. We also have discussed court cases that deal with first amendment rights and situations similar to this one. Public opinion is very controversial right now and it will be interesting to see if policy changes.

I think that if the school allows for guest speakers and if there is a large enough following that wants to hear her speak, then there is no reason she should not be aloud. I do not think that anyone should be forced to listen and I do not think she should be speaking in a place where those who might be offended by her views can hear her. Now if the school declines to have her speak, I think its is fine they just have to be fair in all cases.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

blog 5

This article is written by Joseph Williams who is a writer for U.S. News and World Report. I am not sure where he sits on the political spectrum, I would probably guess a little to the left. Williams writes about how a recent decision made by the supreme court contradicts a Neil Gorsuch belief.

This article relates to the curriculum because it talks about Neil Gorusuch's pathway to becoming a supreme court judge and we are currently learning about the judicial system. It also talks about his hearing in the senate and a case that the supreme court just went over.

I have not looked into Gorsuch, so I do not have much of an opinion on how I feel about him becoming a judge. The article did say that he has ruled against educational benefits for children with special needs and I think that is messed up. The article also scrutinized him for not opening up and not sharing where he sits on certain issues, and I think if he does not want to get controversial at this point in the process that is fine. If anyone in the senate really has any major concerns they should just look at his track record.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

blog 4

This article is written by Janet Hook about Trump's speech to congress. Hook is a very credible speaker for the Wall-Street journal; however, I did not check where she falls from an ideological standpoint so there could be some bias in her article. Hook addressed the major topics that Trump discussed and talked about how she admired his change in tone and unified approach. But Hook does not feel that anything Trump said did enough to bring Republicans and Democrats together on any issues.

The way this relates to the curriculum is that Trump addresses changes in public policy and his opinions result in hostile public opinion. He talks about foreign policy and the economy which are both a part of our curriculum. The speech dealt with Trump reaching out to the legislative branch, and you could also see the conflicting beliefs between political parties.

I felt like the speech went well, but I agree with Hook on the fact that nothing he said will have a big influence on the feelings of democrats. He breezed through the topics and did not stir up much tension, but at the same time did put much support behind his points. It was really just a ra ra type of speech. I don't put much emphasis on these type of addresses because it's just talk and no action. So it will take time before we see if he holds up to his promises.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Blog 3

This article is written by Curt Mills. Mills is a writer for U.S. News and World Report. The article is about recent beef between President Trump and the Mexican government. The beef is over law enforcement, border control, immigration, and trade. The U.S. is sending Rex Tillerson and John Kelly as diplomats to handle the conflict.

Our curriculum spends time talking about foreign policy and that is what this article is all about. This article also has to do with the recent sharp contrast in public opinion and public policy. Trump is looking to implement policies such as a wall along our border and plans on deporting illegal immigrants in a very harsh way. Now there are many who favor Trumps policies, but recent polls have shown sharp decreases in support of his desired implementations.

I personally favor Trumps stricter stance on immigration, but I think he needs to be careful with his tendency to be so abrupt. It is very important for us as a nation to maintain good relations with Mexico, primarily because of trade. I think the wall is a great idea and that if done right it can be put up without much conflict, but heavy deportation will almost certainly result in conflict. Mexico does not want to see a sudden surge of deportees into their country at one time. America can not try to avoid hurting Mexico's feeling, but we have to make sure we find a balance when it comes to doing what is best for our country.